Tuesday, May 27, 2008

TV War - Competition Between Cable & Satellite TV

1950s TV Shows

The television entertainment industry is facing a stiff competition as companies fight each other out to provide the best TV services to consumers. TV service provider companies are trying everything to make their package the most interesting for consumers. Today, television entertainment has scaled new heights with quality pictures delivered in high definition, hundreds of channels to choose from and new technologies introduce from time to time. For a consumer or a viewer, no matter you are a TV maniac or just a moderate viewer, the TV services available today will surely attract your attention. Judging from what we see in cable TV, we can be sure that there are good things coming. Cable TV has been increasing their numbers of channel and making a lot of improvement in the technical support services to ensure that their customers get the best TV experience.

The growing of the TV industry is mainly driven by the introduction of new technologies. The change in transmission technology from analog transmission to digital transmission has played a big role in making TV entertainment so surprisingly interesting. With digital transmission, TV viewing experience has been lifted greatly. When TV was still using analog transmission, it was already considered as a great source of entertainment and information. With digital transmission, it would make TV a super appliance. The digital technology is able to surpass the analog technology by delivering more channels, great picture quality, and stable transmission and solve the problem of bandwidth limitations. Furthermore, the new technology could provide organize channels selection and interactive TV plus various viewing options.

With so many channels to choose from, viewers would sometimes feel confused if they want to know what channels is playing what programs at a certain time. With the digital technology, viewers will be able to know the programs that are broadcasted in each channel with ease because the digital receiver will be able to bypass this problem with a digital program guide. With this program guide, viewers could see the advanced listing of programs which will be played in a few days to come. Parents will also be happy with the parental control of this new technology. They will be in total control of what their children is watching. Therefore, they can leave their children in front of the TV with a peace of mind while they do their work.

As mentioned, the new digital technology has benefited TV viewers the most by spoiling them with choices. The wide range of channels covers comedy, sports, events, dramas, movies, documentaries, entertainment and many more. Besides that, viewers can also get programs in different language. There is just no limit to what a viewer can choose from the current technology. The best thing is, viewers could watch all these programs in high definition TV. Cable TV has been putting a lot of work to use the digital technology to enhance the viewing options for their customers. The have their newly introduce On-Demand Television. So, people can choose whatever time to see the program depending on their liking.

In conclusion, the TV companies have been taking things seriously by providing better TV entertainment and information making TV a very reliable source of knowledge. In addition of the digital technology nowadays, it would be hard to imagine someone living without the services of digital TV.

Dish Network, Direct TV or Comcast? Confused with current satellite TV related deals? Check out Direct TV offer as well as everything you need to know about satellite TV shopping at: Satellite TV Issue.

Article by Teddy

How To Set Up A TV Satellite Dish And Sky Digibox To Watch English Channels Such As BBC And ITV

1950s TV Shows

Hardware Requirements:

I am assuming that you have the necessary equipment as detailed in my previous article about 'How to get the equipment to watch English TV in Europe'.

You need:

  • A TV (preferably one with a SCART socket)
  • An ex-rental Sky Digibox that has already been used in the UK
  • A dish of the appropriate size (see my earlier article and astra2d.com for a size guide) with LNB
  • Co-ax cable
  • A Sky viewing card or Freeview card
  • Necessary fixings to mount the dish
Mounting the dish

The satellite we are looking for is Astra 2D 28.2E. This located at 28.2 degrees East of South. Let me tell you why setting up the angle and elevation is very important and has to be done very carefully. Astra 2D is in a geostationary orbit, which means it appears to be stationary when seen from the rotating earth.. The normal height for a geostationary satellite is 36,000Km and the satellite is only 8m tall and just over 2m diameter, it actually looks like a tin of baked beans with the lid open! So the alignment of the dish has to be done very accurately.

I cannot help you too much with the exact angles you need as they vary depending on your location. Here in the Southern French Alps a compass bearing of 150 degrees with an elevation of 34 degrees are the figures required. In Bucharest in Romania a bearing of 177 degrees and an elevation of 39 degrees would be required. Looking on the internet, particularly on ex pat web sites for your area, will normally reveal the magic numbers.

So mount your dish where you like, it does not need to be on the roof as it does not work like an aerial. It just needs a clear path between it and the satellite, no trees or buildings. The steepness of the angle surprises a lot of people, in the type of dish where the LNB is supported on an arm attached to the bottom of the dish, the 'beam' angle we are interested in is roughly parallel to that arm. Set the elevation to the correct value and leave the bracket slightly loose so that you can turn the dish from side to side. Using a compass, point the dish at a compass bearing you have (150 in my case). You will not get it right first time, but the closer you are, the less danger of finding the wrong satellite there is.

Getting it all working

Now, connect the dish to the box an the box to the TV and switch on the power.

Warning: The dish cable carries a small electric current, so never connect or disconnect it while the box is live; otherwise some of the electronic components could be damaged

Do not worry if the remote control does not react immediately - after switching on the power the Digibox can take several seconds before it will respond. On the remote control, press Services, then press 4, then 6. This will display a Signal Test screen. Ignore the Signal Strength and Signal Quality bars for the moment. You should however have something in the Signal Strength bar. (If you do not, you have a faulty connection on the way to the LNB).

Place the TV where it can be seen while manipulating the dish, move the dish until the zeros change to 0002 (Network ID) and 07d4 (Transport Stream). The change will be quite sudden so go carefully to avoid swinging the dish too far. The Lock Indicator will also change from 'Not locked' to 'OK'. The value of 07d4 is usually the case but you might encounter others, particularly if you are trying to get a signal in southern Europe. However the Network ID must be 0002, otherwise you are pointing at the wrong satellite.

Finishing off the setup

As soon as the Network ID and Transport Stream values change from zero, a digital signal is being received. Clamp the dish, then press the Backup button on the remote control 3 times to return to the normal screen. Now wait until the box has finished getting the program data.

If after aligning the dish, you get a signal but there is interference on sound or vision, it is almost certainly caused by the dish elevation or direction being slightly out of alignment. Move the dish very slightly and carefully and watch the Signal Quality bar on the Signal Test screen for the greatest value. Anything over about 50% should give good reception.

Rick Lomas lives in Serre Chevalier in the Southern French Alps.

There is a good source of information about satellite TV and mobile phones on his website http://www.ricklomas.com as well as ideas on how to make money online.

Rick is currently working on various websites selling mortgage payment protection insurance, as an affiliate for British Insurance.

Satellite TV Deals FAQ

1950s TV Shows

Satellite TV 'What'?

So, what is a satellite TV?

It's a complicated question. In short, a satellite TV system is a wireless system delivering television programming directly to an end user. The whole system you can see in your home, a satellite dish, satellite decoder, and a remote.

The small satellite dish, about 18 to 24 inches in circumference, is installed outside your house; with the satellite decoder linked to your TV. Television and satellite TV stations transmit programming via a digital signal (satellite TV signals).

Satellite TV 'Who'?

Two main providers of satellite TV in United States are Direct TV satellite TV and Dish Network satellite TV. Both satellite TV companies are promoting hard with their free satellite TV deals all over the country.

Nowadays, satellite TV business is turning into a huge success, where satellite TV became the fastest selling consumer electronics product ever to enter the market.

Why is satellite TV so success? The short answer: pay LESS, get MORE!

Benefit 1: Amazing Savings.Benefit 2: Varieties, varieties, and varieties!Benefit 3: Quality customer service.Benefit 4: Choose your own satellite TV program!Benefit 5: Instant! Easy! Convenient!

More details are found here:http://www.satellitetvissue.com/benefits.htm

Topnotch picture quality, superior value and plenty of programming, if you want all these, digital satellite TV system are definitely your choice.

So, how satellite TV works?

To make things simple, this is what happens in your satellite TV system. Satellite TV broadcast stations, for example Dish Network or DirecTV satellite TV, use a powerful satellite antenna to transmit digital waves to the surrounding area.

Satellite TV viewers can receive the signal with a smaller satellite antenna. The digital signals used to broadcast television emit signals from the broadcast satellite antenna in a straight line.

To receive these signals, the satellite dish has to be in the direct line of sight of the antenna. Blockages such like trees or buildings in between would not cause any problems on the digital waves.

Is satellite TV suitable for you?

For United States, I can say that satellite TV is the right choice for 95% of the citizens. The figure would goes higher with current satellite TV market condition, with Dish Network and DirecTV offering free satellite TV deals all year long.

Compare satellite TV deals to cable TV! Either free satellite TV from DirecTV or Dish Network offers you more satellite TV program choicesup to nearly 300 channels! With current free satellite TV deals, you can even have your "own" satellite TV station with the satellite TV pay-per-view deals. This is different from normal cable TV, where you are forced to purchase whatever system your region offers and pay whatever price it offers. Direct TV and Dish Network offer you this advantage.

Cable TV users, ATTENTION! i am not going to say this twice!

If you are looking for your next home entertainment system, take time to discover DirecTV and Dish Network promotion in our site, you will love them. For cable TV subscriber, I am sure you will be make a switch very soon when you check out these free satellite TV deals!

Check it yourself, browse those Free satellite TV offers from Direct TV and Dish Network satellite TV systems, check those satellite TV benefits in details and you will know what am I talking about. Pay less, and have more with free satellite TV system from Direct TV or Dish Network!

Teddy L.Cc., an experienced freelance internet webmaster/writer, frequent writter on issue regarding satellite TV deals, electronics goods as well as web hosting.Also, you can find more consumer info at this site: Free Dish Network offer.

Benefits of Satellite TV

1950s TV Shows

For a television enthusiast, quality outruns any other aspect of your TV experience. With satellite TV, standard programming is viewed in a clearer and highly defined way. With Dish Network or DIRECTV, satellite television subscribers also gain an advantage over non-subscribers, in that these providers give members additional programming for being subscribed to satellite television.

Satellite television is always more affordable. Compared to that of standard cable services, satellite TV provides higher quality, extended programming for less. Whether you choose Dish Network, DIRECTV or any other network, all satellite television providers promise to give their customers continued quality, and affordable television. Essentially, you're getting more bangs for your buck by choosing satellite TV.

There are no hidden fees and many services provide low costs for installation, or some even provide free installation if you subscribe during different special offer seasons. If this is the determinant whether you sign up for satellite TV or not, mention this to a customer services representative, and they will gladly grant you free installation to guarantee you will become a customer.

As a television enthusiast, you are dedicated to a variety of programming. Satellite television providers will give you a variety of channels, more so than any other television subscribers can. If you have a HD TV, you can gain high-definition packages. If you're into movies or sports, satellite TV providers have specialized packages for you as well. Local programming is also guaranteed with satellite television providers. For some services, local TV is included, for others a small rate of usually no more than $5 will get you local television programming at home.

Whatever the reason, choosing satellite TV will save you money in the long term. Not only do you receive more channels and less money for it, the quality you will receive for that money will be well worth it on a monthly basis. Satellite TV makes watching TV in high-definition, high-quality a requirement, not an option. Choose satellite TV today!

Direct TV vs Dish Network - The Battle Rages On

1950s TV Shows

Millions of consumers have made the switch from old school cable companies to the better service, better programming and better price of satellite programming. However, some consumers have not made the switch yet because they are unsure how to determine which provider is the best fit for their needs. Below, you'll find information that will help make the choice between Direct TV and Dish Network.

Picture Clarity and Reception: Both companies offer full digital signal and both companies have similar up times. In addition, both companies offer a basic programming package that is somewhat similar. However, there are some other items that need to be taken into account prior to making any decision.

DVR: The DVR is one of the most popular inventions since the television. With this handy device you can record your favorite shows and watch them any time. Each company offers a programmable guide, allowing you to choose which episodes and which shows you want to record, as well as information showing how many hours of recording time are left on the DVR. Only Direct TV offers this programming feature through your computer or web enabled cell phone, though. With this offer, you can program your DVR from anywhere, anytime.

HD Programming: One of the biggest reasons that consumers are switching to satellite providers is because of the increased HD programming. Which company offers the most channels in this format? Currently, the href="http://www.directstartv.com/directv_equipment/directv_hd/directv_hd.html" title="Direct TV HD">Direct TV HD package has the most HD channels (just under 100) of any provider along with the most amount of high definition sports broadcasting. Dish Network is trying to keep up but is fighting a losing battle with their competitor releasing yet another satellite (DIRECTV-11) in 2008 that will increase its national high definition programming capacity to 150.

Pay per View and Movie Channels: Both providers offer pay per view movies and standard movie channels. Direct TV offers significantly more package options, though, with multiple HBO channels, Showtime channels, Starz and many more options. Movie packages are available for specialty channels, such as Playboy and other options even within HD programming.

Affordability: Currently, Direct TV offers the most flexible package pricing, with ala carte channel selections and much more. This means that consumers can add single channels to their basic package to increase their viewing options without having to subscribe to all channels in another package.

Internet Access: Both satellite providers offer high speed Internet service. Dish Network offers satellite Internet service that is significantly more expensive that Direct TV's offer, though. In addition, while downloads are comparable to DSL speeds, uploads are almost as slow as dial up connections.

Choosing to ditch your cable company is a wise choice. The combination of great programming and good prices has sped up the demise of the cable companies, who are struggling to keep up even with limited HD programming. The majority of consumers are much more satisfied with their satellite provider experience over their cable company experience.

Whitney Alen is a Direct TV expert and has over 10 years experience in the satellite TV industry.

Icerocket web search: satellite tv

1950s TV Shows

Web Search from IceRocket.com

Did you know that there are services online that will allow you to watch live TV on your computer? I have a service that I use to watch NFL games online all of the time, and I am taking the opportunity to show you how you can do the same.

Most of the times I am not at home or the rest of the family has the TV when I want to watch my favorite NFL games online. So, I grab my laptop, connect up to the Internet, and lie on the bed and watch the game.

There are tons of services that can be found that will allow you to watch live TV online. I want to warn you that some of them are pure crap, and dont care if you have great service or not. I want to tell you that there are good companies that care if you have the best TV service online that is available.

I have a service called Satellite TV for PC. They have great service and the most channels available. I have all of the sports channels that I could ever ask for. I was able to watch the entire Superbowl last year all live from my computer. And the best thing is that I was at work. I hate working late at nights, but guess whatI didnt miss a single play the whole game.

I want to make sure that if you want to watch NFL online, that you have the best and most reliable service that is available. I have used Satellite TV for PC for over a year now and have not had any complaints. I had a few problems getting started, but the tech support was able to walk me through the installation.

Along with NFL games, you will be able to watch movies, sports from other countries, and regular TV shows. I like soccer, so when there are not NFL games on, I try to find some good soccer games on. Then I watch some hunting shows and Nascar when I dont have anything else to watch.

With a great service you can get everything that you need for a one-time payment of around $50. The best thing is that $50 is all that you will ever have to spend to watch NFL games online. There are no hidden fees, and you will have unlimited lifetime access to thousands of stations.

So, if you want the best and most reliable service to Watch NFL Games Online, you can use the same service that I use Right Here!

Watch NFL Games Online with the best Satellite TV for PC service