Thursday, June 5, 2008

Satellite TV Equipment - What You Need and Where to Get it Free

1950s TV Shows

Looking for information on satellite TV equipment? Here's an overview of what you need in order to get DISH Network or DirecTV programming, plus where you can get free satellite TV equipment.

The Dish

The satellite dish picks up the signal from a DirecTV or DISH Network TV satellite and focuses it on the feed horn that sits in front of the dish.

The Feed Horn

The feed horn contains a low noise block converter that amplifies the satellite signal, filters out other signals, then sends the signal to the receiver.

The Receiver

The receiver is the heart of a satellite TV system. It has a number of functions:

* It unscrambles the encrypted satellite signal

* It converts the signal into analog and HDTV formats

* It divides the signal into individual channels

The Remote

The remote controls all the functions of the receiver. The remote allows you to:

* Change channels and adjust the volume

* Control your television, VCR, and DVD player

* Block channels you don't want your children to see

* Bring up an on-screen guide so you can see what's on TV

* Purchase pay-per-view movies and events

* Zoom in and out to make the picture bigger or smaller

If you have a DVR (digital video recorder) receiver you can also :

* Record your favorite satellite TV programs

* Pause and rewind live TV programs

* Record a program while watching another program

* Record up to two shows while watching another recorded program

Free Satellite TV Equipment

You can get free satellite TV equipment - the dish, receivers, and remotes, including installation - when you order one of DISH Network or DirecTV's program packages. DISH Network prices start at $19.99 a month (which does not include your local channels), and DirecTV'S prices start at $29.99 a month, which includes your local channels.

Visit or click on the following link for more information on satellite TV equipment, plus where to get the best deal on DISH Network and DirecTV's satellite TV service. You can also see their latest special offers and order their satellite TV service online.

The author, Brian Stevens, is the senior editor for and has written a number of articles on satellite TV equipment.


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